What kind of a PROBLEM SOLVER are you?
Are you a Thinker or a Detective? Might you solve problems like famous Adventurers or Listeners? Or are you a Visionary going your own way?
Sign up (or login) to take the quiz, powered by AREA Method and read Problem Solver to be a more dynamic decision-maker!
We make thousands of decisions every day - from when to wake up to whether to have a late night snack - and we make them quickly, and largely unconsciously. But what happens when we face a high stakes decision? Knowing your PROBLEM SOLVER Profile will help you learn about your decision-making strengths and your potential blind spots, those mental shortcuts that help us make small decisions well but that can hinder our insight, understanding and creativity when solving high stakes problems.
Learn about the psychology of your decision-making. The Problem Solver Profiles will teach you:
A Good Process + Good Information = Great Decisions